Star Wars Legends Wiki

Unidentified Royal Guard
Erstin Deez
Biographical Information
Died11 ABY, Yinchorr
Physical Description
Chronological and Political Information
Era*Rebellion Era
Affiliation*First Galactic Empire

Erstin Deez was a member of the Emperor's Royal Guard who served the reborn Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's Dark Empire. In 11 ABY, Deez accompanied the Emperor to the planet Onderon during an attempted abduction of the Force-sensitive infant Anakin Solo and remained stationed at the Emperor's shuttle in the capital city of Iziz. When the shuttle came under attack by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his New Republic allies, Deez engaged the young Jedi trainee Rayf Ysanna in one-on-one combat but lost. Wounded, he made his way to the Kira Fortress, where Palpatine had ventured to kidnap the Solo child.

Yet, by the time Deez arrived at the fortress, the Emperor had already been killed. Instead, he witnessed the New Republic's interrogation of the captive Emperor's Physician, who admitted his involvement in a conspiracy against the Emperor on behalf of Guardsman Carnor Jax that had been instrumental in Palpatine's ultimate demise. Deez escaped from Onderon and traveled to the Imperial Royal Guard Academy on the planet Yinchorr, where he revealed what he knew to fellow Royal Guards gathered there. A surprise attack by Jax's forces followed, resulting in the death of Deez and nearly all of his kin, with the exception of one, Kir Kanos, who swore vengeance on all traitors to the Empire.


  • Empire's End 2 (First appearance)
  • Crimson Empire 0 (In flashback(s))
  • Crimson Empire 3 (In flashback(s))
  • Crimson Empire audio drama (In flashback(s)) (as Kile Hannad)


  • Star Wars Handbook 2: Crimson Empire
  • The New Essential Guide to Characters
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 132 (KAN2, Kir Kanos)