Star Wars Legends Wiki

GilniOnglaRealWELCOME TO THE WIKI!GilniOnglaReal

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Old Jho
Geonosis Strike Team
Unidentified Helmeted Partisan
Nikto Guards

Old Jho

The most rebellious Ithorian around!

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Geonosis Strike Team

A Strike Team of more than 200 Jedi traveled to Geonosis to rescue some key warriors in a dangerous arena.

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Unidentified Helmeted Partisan

This mysterious Partisan served Saw Gerrera; united against the Empire.

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Nikto Guards

These loyal guards served Jabba well throughout the Clone Wars.

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Old Jho
Geonosis Strike Team
Unidentified Helmeted Partisan
Nikto Guards

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The Star Wars Legends Wiki surrounds every one of the officially licensed, fictional background of the Star Wars universe. Currently, we're working on unidentified characters, such as giving them names and had a lot more about their history. We are the wiki you should go to when finding information on obscure, backgroundish, minor characters. Where Wookieepedia deletes pages for minor unnamed characters, we always give them the chance they deserve.

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Barry Lowin Mandalorian
TT-2005 was the designation of a human male shoretrooper who served in the First Galactic Empire and later the Empire Reborn under the leadership of Lord Hethrir following the deaths of Emperor Sheev Palpatine and Darth Vader.


The Star Wars Canon Wiki
